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Loch Ness monster dead: Report



The Loch Ness Monster Might Be Dead: Report
The Loch Ness Monster Might Be Dead: Report

The Loch Ness Monster Might Be Dead: Report

Absence of Loch Ness Monster Has Believers Worried

Highland, Scotland – According to the man who maintains the registry of “confirmed” sightings of the legendary Loch Ness Monster known affectionately as Nellie, no one has seen the beast in 1.5 years. Now, bear in mind that “confirmed” sightings is a term used quite loosely in this context as no one has ever produced evidence the creature even exists besides questionable grainy blips on camera film and video footage.

An actual confirmed sighting of the beast would be unequivocal proof of its existence along with DNA samples and scientists on-hand to monitor the creature.

That said, even the usual trickle of so-called sightings has stopped which has believers in Nellie’s existence worried.

Gary Campbell, keeper of the Loch Ness sightings registry, claims to have 1,500 years’ worth of sightings dating back to St Columba, the Irish missionary who was said to have encountered the beast in 565AD.

Mr Campbell said it was the first time since 1925 that there had been no confirmed reports of the monster.

He said: “It’s very upsetting news and we don’t know where she’s gone.

“The number of sightings has been reducing since the turn of the century but this is the first time in almost 90 years that Nessie wasn’t seen at all.”

Campbell believes that the creature is merely on PTO (personal time off) and will resume its murky hard-to-confirm sightings sometime this year.

Mr Campbell said: “So far 1,036 reported sightings have been recorded and there were some in 2012.

“I’m convinced that Nessie has just taken some time out and will be back with a vengeance this year.”

It should be noted that tourism has been falling precipitously over the past decade as public interest in the monster wanes. It didn’t help matters that one of the people behind a well-known sighting confirmed his sighting was fabricated.

Last year, George Edwards, the man responsible for taking the most widely recognized photograph of the Loch Ness monster (photo below), admitted the picture was a fake. The photograph was highlighted on an episode of the 1970s investigative series “In Search Of” and captivated the imagination of millions.

Edwards takes a tongue in cheek response about the fake photograph which was nothing more than a fiber glass hump he strategically placed in the lake. He says it was all in fun. It certainly was for him as he was able to laugh all the way to the bank.

“Why should I feel guilty for having a bit of fun?” he asked. “These so-called experts come along with their theories about big waves and big fish, and their visitor centre, but I’m sick to death of them.”He added: “Where would Loch Ness be without the world’s best known forgery, the Surgeon’s Photograph?”

In March 2012 George released what was purported to be the best picture of Nessie yet…

In March 2012 George released what was purported to be the best picture of Nessie yet…

On The Web:
No Loch Ness Monster sightings for first time since 1925