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Atlanta Hawks Cheerleaders Do “Sharknado” spoof (VIDEO)



atlanta hawks cheerleaders do "Sharknado" spoof

atlanta hawks cheerleaders do "Sharknado" spoof

atlanta hawks cheerleaders do “Sharknado” spoof

tlanta Hawks Cheerleaders spoof “Sharknado”

In your daily dose of cringe media the Atlanta Hawks have attempted to bring their team to a viral level by having their cheerleading squad star in a video spoof of the B-Movie, “Sharknado”. “Sharknado” is about a bunch of tornadoes that strike the ocean and cause severe flooding in a coast city, the sharks are then thrown into these flooded areas and slowly pick off all of the B-movie actors. This spoof is even more inane than that.

“Hawknado” as it is being called stars the Atlanta Hawk cheerleading squad all making exclamations about how their photo shoot can’t be cancelled for anything, even though a “Hawknado” is on the horizon. The “Hawknado” is simply a play on words of the prior movie title and the name of the NBA basketball team, the Atlanta Hawks. There are recycled memes, poor green screen footage, and worse acting. In short the “Hawknado” spoof video is even more embarrassing than the original “Sharknado”.

Being an average team from an average town perhaps the Atlanta Hawks felt obliged to try and drum up fan support. Going with outdated memes, poor camerawork, and worse actors was probably not the best way to go.

On The Web:

Atlanta Hawks Cheerleaders Star In Awful Sharknado Spoof

Atlanta Hawks cheerleaders release ‘Sharknado’ spoof entitled ‘Hawknado’ (Video)

Tomas Carbry possesses a decade of journalism experience and consistently upholds rigorous standards. His focus areas include technology and global issues.