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Bethenny Frankel Divorce Gets Nasty



Bethenny Frankel Divorce Gets Nasty

Bethenny Frankel Divorce Gets Nasty

Bethenny Frankel Divorce Gets Nasty

Proverbial Fur Still Flying in Frankel-Hoppy Divorce

“Real Housewives of New York City” Bethenny Frankel’s storybook marriage to Jason Hoppy has broken down into a nasty divorce. Initially, there was an announcement of a separation between the couple towards the end of 2012. On January 5, Frankel officially filed for divorce. By August, the divorce started turning ugly with rumors of the couple constantly arguing from the apartment loft they both call home and which neither wants to vacate.

Now, the accusations are public and mean spirited. Hoppy recently took to accusing Frankel of using him as a sperm bank to get pregnant with their son Bryn, now 2.5 years old. Aside from the fact that the analogy of his “seed” being banked doesn’t make any sense, his claim that all she wanted was his baby will be hard to prove. If she only wanted a baby, she could have gone to a sperm bank and avoided a messy divorce.

The two have now been prohibited from recording each other in audio and video format by the judge handling their divorce. The prohibition also extends to their nanny. Additionally, they are not to hack into each others e-mails. They both have until October 15 to turn over any such recordings, but thus far reports are that only Hoppy has been recording conversations by Frankel.

On The Web:

Divorce Diss: Bethenny Frankel’s Ex Accuses Her Of Using Him As A Sperm Donor!

Tomas Carbry possesses a decade of journalism experience and consistently upholds rigorous standards. His focus areas include technology and global issues.