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BLame For Empty Seats: Volunteers to fill Empty Seats During Events



blame for empty seats

blame for empty seats

Empty Seats Bad News for Sochi Olympics

Currently, the Sochi Olympics are dealing with a small issue regarding attendance. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of seats appear to be empty during events. Various factors can explain this situation, but empty seats are never a good sign. In the coming days, seats will likely be filled with avid spectators. Until then, analysts will continue to point out the issues behind the scenes.

Most analysts and officials aren’t worried about this situation yet. Many sponsors, Olympians, and even fans tend to skip preliminary games for early events. Typically, preliminary games aren’t seen as being all that important. Other factors like long lines and tough security are contributing to these low attendance figures, too. Fears over security and conditions aren’t likely causing a significant decline in attendance, though. In the past, the London Olympics looked empty at first, too.

One Russian volunteer told CBC, organizers were stuffing the stands at the last minute, begging volunteers to rush over to the stadium.

As Mark McMorris bolted down the slopestyle course, the stands were far from full. The first women’s hockey game to be played was at roughly 60 per cent capacity. Just slightly more watched the next match, when Canada dominated the Swiss team.

Apparently low attendance plague the Olympic Games quite often early on. In the end, only the most popular events feature sold out crowds. Less popular events might see fairly low attendance because people aren’t that interested.

Sparkling venues made quiet by small crowds contrast against the IOC claim that 92 per cent of all tickets have been sold. It simply doesn’t seem probable.

Still, more and more people will show up and cheer on the Olympians as the Olympics carry on. This situation plays out each and every time.

On The Web:
2014 Sochi Olympics: So Far, Empty Seats Abound

blame for empty seats

Tomas Carbry possesses a decade of journalism experience and consistently upholds rigorous standards. His focus areas include technology and global issues.