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Dolphins protect Adam Walker from shark: Swimmer Gets Escort From Dolphins (PHOTO)



Adam Walker was working on a 16-mile trek in New Zealand's Cook Strait when he saw the great white shark. However, a group of dolphins showed up and protected him, he said.

Adam Walker was working on a 16-mile trek in New Zealand’s Cook Strait when he saw the great white shark. However, a group of dolphins showed up and protected him, he said

Dolphins Keep Swimmer Adam Walker Safe From Shark

British long distance swimmer Adam Walker has succeeded in overcoming the 25 kilometer long Cook Strait on April 22nd, but this swim left him with an experience like no other. As he was performing his swim in the Cook Strait, Walker made a very frightening discovery: a great white shark decided to join in and become his swimming buddy, despite the fact that he was told there were no sharks in the waters of Cook Strait. Obviously, seeing a shark greatly frightened the experienced swimming coach, but then he noticed that other sea-dwelling creatures have also joined him.

It was a group of 10 dolphins, which had surrounded him and began swimming together with him. The dolphins remained close to him for the one hour it took to complete his swim. Now, a lot of people believe that the dolphins may have saved his life by keeping him company until the shark eventually lost interest and swam away. Mr. Walker believes that the dolphins had an active role in protecting him from the shark and tried to guide him to safety. Many pictures of the swimmer surrounded by the group of dolphins have been shared on social media since the event.

Mr Walker wrote on his Facebook page: “Yesterday I swam the 6th of the ‘oceans seven’ swims ‘Cook Strait’ in 8 hours 36 mins.

“But that doesn’t tell the whole story rolling waves, big currents but more important than that a dream come true swimming with dolphins over an hour!! I’d like to think they were protecting me and guiding me home!!! This swim will stay with me forever.”

While Walker’s experience is certainly an interesting one that will stay in his memory forever, there have been a few cases where dolphins have saved humans from drowning or have protected them from dangerous sea animals like sharks.

This most recent swim by Walker is part of his quest to conquer the Oceans Seven, a group of seven long distance swims that take part in different areas of the world. Reports show that he has swam across the Tsurugu Channel, Catalina Channel, Molokai Channel, the Strait of Gibraltar and the English Channel. Walker was able to finish crossing the Cook Strait in New Zealand in 8 hours and 36 minutes.

Dolphins protect Adam Walker from shark

Dolphins protect Adam Walker from shark

Walker finished the Cook Strait swim in eight hours and 36 minutes.

Check Walker’s website for more details on his swims.

Swimming with Dolphins, Adam Walker - Cook Strait


Dolphins protect Adam Walker from shark

Dolphins protect Adam Walker from shark

Dolphins Protect Long-Distance Swimmer From Shark

Tomas Carbry possesses a decade of journalism experience and consistently upholds rigorous standards. His focus areas include technology and global issues.