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Don Rickles recovering from deadly flesh eating disease (photo)



necrotizing fasciitis

necrotizing fasciitis

necrotizing fasciitis

Don Rickles looks to return to work after beating Flesh Eating Disease
Comedian and actor Don Rickles has revealed he is in the midst of rehab after fighting to overcome the notorious flesh eating disease, necrotizing fasciitis. Known for his tough put downs as a stand up comedian and no holds barred attitude to taboo subject matter, Rickles was reportedly being in treated for a leg infection before news of the more serious diagnosis emerged.

Worries began to emerge for the 87 year old comedian when he was forced to cancel a series of stand up appearances towards the end of the year. News later emerged of Rickles undergoing a series of surgeries to treat the infection, before his spokesperson revealed the full extent of his medical problems. In total, Rickles underwent three surgeries to remove tissue infected with flesh eating disease, followed by a skin graft that replaced the tissue removed and damaged by the disease.

His representative tells the New York Post’s Page Six gossip column, “He has been rehabbing the leg, is back on his feet and is doing wonderfully.

“He is looking forward to be back on the road after the first of the year.”

Rickles, who found a new legion of fans after voicing Mr. Potato Head in the Toy Story movies took to Twitter to make light of his recent troubles. The evergreen New Yorker claimed he was celebrating his recovery by skateboarding with his grandsons, but was not yet ready to return to completing kick flips. Rickles will reportedly return to his stand up shows in the new year.

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Don Rickles recovering from disease

Comedian Don Rickles recovering from flesh-eating disease