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Users Spot Rare Coat’s Disease in Childs Facebook Photo



Facebook Users Spot Rare Coat's Disease in Childs Photo

Facebook Users Spot Rare Coat’s Disease in Childs Photo

Rare Disease Spotted in Facebook Photo

As any proud mother might, Tara Taylor of Tennessee shared a photo of her three-year-old daughter Rylee on Facebook after Rylee managed to fix her own hair.

Soon after, Taylor experienced every mother’s worse nightmare.

Two of Tara’s friends noticed that Rylee’s left eye had a bright yellow spot at the pupil that spread outward across the iris.

Although many people might assume the spot came from a lighting or camera issue, Taylor’s friends recommended she have Rylee’s eyes checked as some eye diseases can cause this type of glow in pictures.

It turns out they were correct. Babtist Eye Clinic discovered that Rylee has a rare and serious genetic disorder known as “Coat’s disease” that can cause permanent partial vision loss or total blindness if it isn’t caught early enough. In many cases, young children don’t notice vision issues until the disease progresses to both eyes and it’s too late.

Clinical photography of patient with Coats' disease. Conjunctival hyperemia, mild corneal edema, posterior synechiae and cataract. Date 5-12-2007 SourceFernandes BF, Odashiro AN, Maloney S, Zajdenweber ME, Lopes AG, Burnier MN Jr. Clinical-histopathological correlation in a case of Coats' disease. Diagn Pathol. 1, 24. 2006. PMID 16942617. DOI:10.1186/1746-1596-1-24

Clinical photography of patient with Coats’ disease. Conjunctival hyperemia, mild corneal edema, posterior synechiae and cataract.
Date 5-12-2007
Source Fernandes BF, Odashiro AN, Maloney S, Zajdenweber ME, Lopes AG, Burnier MN Jr. Clinical-histopathological correlation in a case of Coats’ disease. Diagn Pathol. 1, 24. 2006. PMID 16942617. DOI:10.1186/1746-1596-1-24

In Rylee’s case, she never complained and seemed to have excellent vision — she participates in gymnastics and never sits closely to the television.

Taylor is grateful that her friends picked up on the issue, as the disease has been caught early enough for treatment.

Facebook Users Spot Rare Coat's Disease in Childs Photo

Facebook Users Spot Rare Coat’s Disease in Childs Photo


users spot rare Coat’s disease in childs photo

Facebook users spot rare Coat’s disease in child’s photo

users spot rare Coat’s disease in childs photo

users spot rare Coat’s disease in childs photo

Tomas Carbry possesses a decade of journalism experience and consistently upholds rigorous standards. His focus areas include technology and global issues.