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Grey’s Anatomy Star Becomes A Father



Calling all Jackson Avery fans out there! The Grey’s Anatomy star welcomed a new baby. His wife, realtor Aryn Drake-Lee, gave birth to the bouncing baby girl in the beginning of December. This is the first child for both Jesse Williams and Aryn Drake-Lee. It has been confirmed that they named the baby girl Sadie. The couple met in New York and then dated for five years before they finally tied the knot in September of 2012. There’s no word yet on whether or not they would like more children. Fans might be surprised to know that when Williams met his future wife that he was actually a school teacher.

This has been quite the year for Williams in both his career and his personal life. Not only did he become a father, he also remained a fan favorite on Grey’s Anatomy. He also scored a role on Lee Daniels’ The Butler. Hopefully Dr. Jackson Avery has just a good year on Grey’s as Williams is having in real life. From saving lives on TV to changing diapers at home, Williams in keeping quite busy these days. It will be interesting to see what else he is up too in 2014.
