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Jason Wahler Admits Past Suicide Attempt



Jason Wahler Admits Past Suicide Attempt

Up until three years ago when he finally took steps to enter rehab, TV reality star Jason Wahler admits not only that his behavior was addictive, he also says he tried to kill himself on one occasion.

The star of “The Hills” not only had multiple arrests for driving under the influence, he also served time in jail. Now 26, Wahler confesses that even though on the surface he appeared to have everything a man could want, including fancy cars, plenty of money and the attention of beautiful girlfriends, he was so messed up and unhappy that at one point he attempted suicide.

He reveals he was able to get a lethal amount of antabuse, a drug used to combat alcohol in the system, and tried to overdose with it after thinking about suicide on many different occasions. Luckily, he was discovered in time to be rushed to a local hospital emergency room for treatment before the drugs took effect and it was then that he seriously took a look at how he was wasting his life and decided to pursue treatment for his addiction. His sobriety has lasted for three years and this fall he wed model Ashley Slack.

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