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man who took best ever loch ness monster photo admits it’s a fake



Fake: George Edwards has now admitted that this picture, published in August last year, is a fake

Fake: George Edwards has now admitted that this picture, published in August last year, is a fakeMystery of Loch Ness Monster Solved: Photograph was a Fake

George Edwards is responsible for taking the most widely recognized photograph of the Loch Ness monster. The photograph was highlighted on an episode of the 1970s investigative series “In Search Of” and captivated the imagination of millions.

The folklore and fascination of the legendary beast has been a boon for the local community in the Scottish Highlands for decades and has only begun to wane over the past decade.

Perhaps this declining cash flow has made it all the more easy for Edwards to come clean about his photograph; it was a fake. Yes, a fake as in a hoax as in the public got punked.

Edwards takes a tongue in cheek response about the fake photograph which was nothing more than a fiber glass hump he strategically placed in the lake. He says it was all in fun. It certainly was for him as he was able to laugh all the way to the bank.

“Why should I feel guilty for having a bit of fun?” he asked. “These so-called experts come along with their theories about big waves and big fish, and their visitor centre, but I’m sick to death of them.”He added: “Where would Loch Ness be without the world’s best known forgery, the Surgeon’s Photograph?”

According to the Telegraph, Mr Edwards claimed to have owned up to faking the picture days after it was released last August, but there is no record of his confession.
At the time he said: “I did not want to mention my sighting until I was sure that I had not photographed a log or something inanimate in the water in the water. I have friends in the USA who have friends in the military.

‘They had my photo analysed and they have no doubt that I photographed an animate object in the water. I was really excited as I am sure that some strange creatures are lurking in the depths of Loch Ness.”

‘My Nessie picture IS a hoax!’: Cruise boat skipper who took ‘the most convincing Loch Ness Monster photo ever’ admits he faked the image with a fibre-glass hump

‘Best ever’ photograph of Loch Ness monster revealed as a fake

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