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SFU Announces New $4.4 Million Observatory To Open Late Summer



l-r: Lorne and Howard Trottier discuss their plans for a new observatory and a newly opened children's science studio at SFU's Burnaby campus.

l-r: Lorne and Howard Trottier discuss their plans for a new observatory and a newly opened children's science studio at SFU's Burnaby campus.

l-r: Lorne and Howard Trottier discuss their plans for a new observatory and a newly opened children’s science studio at SFU’s Burnaby campus.

SFU Announces New $4.4 Million Observatory

Burnaby, British Columbia – Technology capable of allowing aspiring astronomers to search for remote galaxies will be coming to this city after an announcement yesterday by the Simon Fraser University (SFU) to build a $4.4 million observatory.

The target date for completion of the project is August of this year.

“These facilities will help SFU realize its goal to be Canada’s most community-engaged research university,” said SFU President Andrew Petter. “Thanks to the Trottier Foundation, the University will be well equipped to offer thousands of young people across the country opportunities to learn about and participate in the study of science.”

The funding is coming from the Trottier Foundation which is presided over by Lorne & Louise Trottier. The foundation has a reputation for supporting projects to promote interest in science among the general public.

This latest observatory, which will bear the Trottier name, will follow in the same spirit. It’s purpose will be to spark an interest in the field of science among adolescents and children. The observatory has been in the planning stages for the past seven years and the Trottier family believe that will result in a quality experience for visitors. The location for the observatory is in the science plaza where visitors will have easy access to it.

In addition, astronomy courses will be offered at the university for those wanting to major in the field of study or simply complete their general education requirements. Special workshops for school age children will be conducted regularly. Home schooled children will also be welcomed.

On The Web:
SFU announces plans for $4.4-million observatory

Tomas Carbry possesses a decade of journalism experience and consistently upholds rigorous standards. His focus areas include technology and global issues.