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Study shows health benefits of laughter



If you find that it’s hard to stop overeating, or have high cholesterol or blood pressure, or weak immune system, part of the solution to recovering good health lies in the form of laughter. The website released a detailed report of 16 ways that laughter improves health. Rather than provide a mere list, the article covers how laughter can be incorporated into a health regimen to obtain those results.

“I believe that if people can get more laughter in their lives, they are a lot better off,” says Steve Wilson, MA, CSP, a psychologist and laugh therapist. “They might be healthier too.”

That said, here are some of the benefits. Laughter can decrease the hormone ghrelin and conversely increase leptin. When those hormones become too high or low respectively, a person’s appetite increases which leads to overeating and its concomitant weight loss. Laughter has also been seen to relieve boredom in people and increase their people skills. Everyone has seen that a jolly or pleasant person attracts other people to them. Women often find a healthy sense of humor attractive in a man.

“The definitive research into the potential health benefits of laughter just hasn’t been done yet,” says Robert R. Provine, professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and author of Laughter: A Scientific Investigation.

The article then walks the reader through the process of using laughter to increase both the immune cells and infection fighting antibodies in the immune system. A healthier immune system leads to less incident of illness and speedier recovery from illnesses. Van Tran, who runs the website, says the article actually provides people with a playbook they can use to improve their health.

On The Web:
A New Article Releases 16 Health Benefits of Laughter – V-kool

Tomas Carbry possesses a decade of journalism experience and consistently upholds rigorous standards. His focus areas include technology and global issues.