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Stephen Sutton Coughs Up His Tumour (PHOTO)



Stephen Sutton coughs up his tumour

Stephen Sutton coughs up his tumour

Stephen Sutton coughs up his tumourTerminally Ill Bucket Lister Hacks Up Tumor

They say that a cat has nine lives. Apparently, one teenager who had found himself in the position of having to make up a bucket list due to an advanced -some said terminal- cancer diagnosis has found the secret to multiple human lives. According to, Stephen Sutton has accomplished the impossible: Coughing up, not a hairball, but his own cancerous tumor.

The freakish feat has alternately alarmed and titillated the medical world, as well as the international media. Stephen Sutton was a normal, unremarkable 19 year old whose cancer diagnosis had seemed to proceed from bad to worse in a short period of time. Indeed, the young man had drawn up a “bucket list” of 46 things he hoped to achieve before he passed. The list, posted on Facebook along with the details of his tragic condition, was enough to win him over 400,000 friends.

On the 22nd of April, Sutton’s condition seemed to be heading from terminal to fully terminated. Sutton posted a message on his Facebook page which announced that he had suffered a collapsed lung, and was nearing the end. He thanked all of his family and friends, and said his goodbyes.


However, this was not the end. As Sutton tells it, he began to cough, and then: “The coughing increased and then suddenly the shortness of breath became incredibly severe. Among frantic hand pointing and panicking I felt like I was like suffocating. Then I forced out an oval red stained solid object through my mouth. My breathing and airway straight away felt clearer, but I spent the next hour violently coughing and choking, but then eventually my breathing once again stabilised.”

Sutton had had rid himself of a cancerous tumor by coughing it up. Since then, his condition has improved, and doctors are optimistic concerning his recovery. His breathing has returned to normal, and it looks like he may even be on the way toward a diagnosis of “all clear”.

Via his Facebook page he wrote: “Physiologically a tumour breaking away like this is possible, but it all just seems incredibly surreal- mind, I’m not complaining!

“My lungs are still pretty messy with other tumours, clots and potential infections/inflammations/etc affecting my overall condition but, for now at least, I am in a good stable state.

“I have no immediate problems and in fact feel better than I did when I first came into hospital last Sunday!

“The general oncologist and team I’ve been seeing will discuss the events with my professor in the morning and we will see where we go from there.

“It’s still a case of taking each day as it comes, but at the moment the days just keep on coming!!”

While similar events have happened in the past on select occasions, Sutton remains one of the lucky few who have rid themselves of a tumor in such a memorable fashion.

The 19-year-old has now raised more than £3m for the Teenage Cancer Trust, with more than 122,000 people – including celebrities Stephen Fry and Russell Brand – pledging their support.

A last-minute fundraising gig organised by comedian Jason Manford last night at his comedy club in Birmingham sold out in minutes.

Stephen, who was diagnosed with incurable colorectal cancer at the age of 15, has also released a 10-minute YouTube video called When Life Gives You Cancer, featuring interviews with his mum, his school teachers and his best friend.

As donations continue to flood in, JustGiving itself donated £50,000 to Stephen’s appeal.
The website currently stands to make more than £148,000 from the 5% fee it charges charities for online donations.

Terminally Ill: Stephen Sutton coughs up his tumour

Terminally Ill: Stephen Sutton coughs up his tumour

Terminally ill ‘bucket list’ teen Stephen Sutton ‘coughs up’ his tumour

Stephen Sutton coughs up his tumour

Inspirational Stephen Sutton tells Facebook followers he is feeling better after ‘coughing up tumour’

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