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Woman frozen alive by hospital: Family Suing



Maria De Jesus Arroyo, 80, was prematurely declared dead by a Los Angeles hospital following a 2010 heart attack. Court documents claim she woke up in a freezer and struggled to escape.

Maria De Jesus Arroyo, 80, was prematurely declared dead by a Los Angeles hospital following a 2010 heart attack. Court documents claim she woke up in a freezer and struggled to escape.

Maria De Jesus Arroyo, 80, was prematurely declared dead by a Los Angeles hospital following a 2010 heart attack. Court documents claim she woke up in a freezer and struggled to escape.

Woman frozen alive by hospital: Hospital Facing Lawsuit for Freezing Woman Prematurely Declared Dead

A hospital in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles has been named in a lawsuit, charging that they prematurely declared an 80-year old heart attack victim dead, only to have her freeze to death in the morgue after she woke up and realized her dire predicament.

The family of 80-year old Maris de Jesus Arroyo is claiming that doctors at White Memorial Medical Center declared Arroyo dead after suffering a heart attack during the summer of 2010. But the family became suspicious when their undertaker received her body covered with bruises and other injuries that could not be explained.

The family’s lawsuit, based on evidence obtained from a pathologist, contends that Arroyo was not really dead when she was placed in the hospital’s morgue. After awakening from a coma, she likely realized what had happened and struggled to escape her predicament, causing a broken nose and the other injuries discovered when her body was finally sent to the funeral home for burial.

Although the family waited more than a year to file their legal claim for wrongful death, a District Appeals Court reinstated their lawsuit against White Memorial Medical Center for allegedly freezing their mother to death in 2010 after she was prematurely entombed in the hospital’s morgue. The family is alleging the hospital’s negligent actions led to Arroyo’s death rather than her initial heart condition. Representatives for White Memorial refused to make any comment about the pending court case.

Read the court documents below:

Read the court documents below:

Woman frozen alive by hospital,0,605657.story#axzz2xuiMU4ol

A Woman Was Allegedly Frozen Alive In A Morgue After Being Declared Dead, And Her Family Is Suing The Hospital

Woman frozen alive by hospital

Woman frozen alive by hospital: California court revives suit claiming woman frozen alive in morgue

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