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Bolshoi Ballerina Claims Troupe is Giant Brothel



Bolshoi Ballerina Claims Troupe is Giant Brothel

Bolshoi Ballerina Claims Troupe is Giant Brothel

Bolshoi Ballerina Claims Troupe is Giant Brothel (photo courtesy ???????? ??????????)

Ex Bolshoi Ballerina Claims Troupe is Giant Brothel

The world acclaimed Bolshoi Ballet is in reality a “giant brothel”, according to claims by a former prima ballerina who was a member of the celebrated dancing troupe. The stunning accusation that Bolshoi dancers were coerced into having sexual relations with wealthy men was made by former prima ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

The 37-year old ballerina, who was fired by Bolshoi officials in 2003 for allegedly weighing too much, said that women in the dance group faced the loss of their jobs if they refused to go along with demands that they entertain aged men of means.

Volochkova said that ballerinas were routinely expected to accompany certain wealthy patrons to dinner and to participate in sexual activity afterwards on demand.

“The general director has turned the Bolshoi theatre into a giant brothel.” she tells the Mirror.

“Ten years ago when I was dancing at the theatre, I repeatedly received propositions to share the beds of oligarchs.

“The girls were forced to go along to grand dinners and given advance warning that afterwards they would be expected to have sex.

“When the girls asked: ‘What happens if we refuse?’, they were told that they would not perform. Can you imagine?”

She accused the general director of the acclaimed Russian ballet troupe of turning the institution into a brothel.

The director of the Bolshoi has dismissed her claims as the ravings of a disgruntled ex-employee.

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