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George Michael family don’t believe singer is really gay



George Michael’s Relatives Refuse To Believe He’s Gay

British singing sensation George Michael, who rocked the music charts with such hits as Careless Whisper, continues to face questions from some of his relatives who refuse to believe that he is really a homosexual. The 50-year old Michael has been living openly as a homosexual man since he was arrested sixteen years ago on a charge of lewd behavior in a Beverly Hills park restroom. Michael had hoped at the time that by finally admitting his true sexual orientation to the world and his family that living his life might become easier. But now he reveals in a BBC interview that what he had hoped for didn’t happen.

Michaels now admits that his coming out after the incident in the Beverly Hills park and his subsequent arrest did not make his life easier and that some members of his family continue to question his assertion that he is a gay man attracted to other men. He also contends that there were some members of the news media who made it their mission to destroy his popularity among straight fans. He says many female fans along with family members continue to think he just hasn’t met the right woman.
