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rob ford tired to buy crack video according to wiretap



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Embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Allegedly Attempted to Buy Crack Video

Mayor Rob Ford has been embroiled in drug related allegations for several months. Thus far, the mayor of one of the world’s major cities has resisted calls to step down. Against the furor of his alleged behavior, it should be noted that he has not been charged with any crime yet and is still entitled to a presumption of innocence.

Regardless, a new allegation has emerged that Ford attempted to pay Somali drug dealers the sum of $5,000 and a vehicle in exchange for an incriminating video. Mayor Ford was not named as the person making the offer nor does it appear that the Somali men mentioned Ford by name. Details of the video came forth as part of a wiretap investigation the law enforcement officers were conducting into illegal drug trade.

Now, the criminals who were part of the wiretap are saying that Mayor Ford is the person offering to buy the video. What is certain is that the men considered the tape worthy of being sold to the Toronto Star, the nation’s most widely read newspaper. One of the men on the tape said he was going to approach the man who made the original offer and request 100 or 150 which is presumed to an amount of money measured in increments of thousands.

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rob ford crack video

Tomas Carbry possesses a decade of journalism experience and consistently upholds rigorous standards. His focus areas include technology and global issues.