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Shark Week! Shark attack beach areas mostly on Sundays



Shark Week!  Shark attack beach areas mostly on Sundays

Shark Week! Shark attack beach areas mostly on Sundays

Where You Are Most Likely to be Shark Attacked

Where are people most likely to face a shark attack? Technically speaking, almost nowhere since most incidents of what we call “shark attacks” are sharks probing a potential prey to see if it is actually what they are hunting after.

Sharks tend to prey on seals. However, there is no way for these predators to probe a foreign body except to give the equivalent of a “dog bite”. It is just that a dog bite coming from their jaws and razer shark teeth can often involve a person losing a piece of their body. That distinction aside, shark attacks are most likely to occur on a late Sunday afternoon at 6:00PM. Sharks also come out and have incidents with humans at the appearance of a new moon primarily and secondarily with full moons.

Their attacks correspond with the summer starting in May and running through October with most attacks happening in August. Popular beaches are a big source of attacks simply because they present many people kicking and splashing in the water which attracts sharks. Surfing is another sport which attracts unprovoked shark attacks.

The silver lining is that of all the shark attacks that have occurred off the California coast in the past decade, only one surfer died as a result.

Shark Week Trivia: Whale Shark Tips Scale Between 15 and 30 Tons

The Whale Shark is considered to be the largest fish swimming in ocean waters, weighing anywhere between 30,000 to 60,000 pounds. The largest whale shark ever measured for the record books was 40 feet long, about the size of a school bus, although these creatures can grow even longer than that. One of its signature features is its gigantic wide mouth which is necessary for feeding on the Whale Shark’s favorite meal of plankton. These gentle giants tend to swim very close to the surface of the ocean water, opening their enormous jaws wide to allow everything to filter though it in order to capture a tasty of meal of tiny animals, plants and even miniscule-size fish.

Whale Sharks tend to congregate in warm tropical ocean waters, migrating toward the western coast of Australia like clockwork every spring. Ningaloo Reef is a prime feeding ground for these gigantic sea creatures, which are currently considered to be an endangered sea species. Fisherman throughout certain parts of Asia such as the Philippines, however, hunt Whale Sharks, which tend to be docile.They often allowing swimmers to grab onto one of their two dorsal fins in order to take a short water ride.

On The Web:

Shark Attacks Most Likely on Sunday in 6 Feet of Water


Report: Shark attacks up but you’re not going to need a bigger boat

Whale Shark Rhincodon typus

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