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Teslaa Crash Test: Safest Car Of All Time?



Teslaa Crash Test: Safest Car Of All Time?

Teslaa Crash Test: Safest Car Of All Time?

Tesla Boasts that It’s Model S Electric Car Earned Best Crash Test Safety Score Ever

Tesla continues to blaze trails in the field of alternative vehicles. Already the gold standard of electric cars, both in terms of performance and price, it appears that Tesla has outdone itself again.

In recent crash tests conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Model S EV car earned a five star rating. However, Tesla is further differentiating that score by declaring that a deatailed look into the specifics of the car’s rating show that their five star score is the best ever given to a car. Point in fact, Tesla is declaring that drivers and occupants of their Model S car will stand the best probability of surviving a vehicle crash unharmed when compared to any other car.

In a released statement the company said:

Of all vehicles tested, including every major make and model approved for sale in the United States, the Model S set a new record for the lowest likelihood of injury to occupants. While the Model S is a sedan, it also exceeded the safety score of all SUVs and minivans. This score takes into account the probability of injury from front, side, rear and rollover accidents.

Is it sheer hubris? Well, not if it’s true. However, at this point, the NHTSA has not issued a statement in regards to Tesla’s claim and it may not make such a statement given that could be perceived as an endorsement and run counter to the agency’s spirit of independence.

Why is the car so safe? Tesla says that is because it has aluminum rods reinforcing the interior of the car such as with NASA’s Apollo Lunar Lander. Also, the absence of a gasoline engine allows the front of the car to acts as a protective “crush zone”.

The graphic below shows the statistical Relative Risk Score (RRS) of Model S compared with all other vehicles tested against the exceptionally difficult NHTSA 2011 standards. In 2011, the standards were revised upward to make it more difficult to achieve a high safety rating.

The graphic above shows the statistical Relative Risk Score (RRS) of Model S compared with all other vehicles tested against the exceptionally difficult NHTSA 2011 standards. In 2011, the standards were revised upward to make it more difficult to achieve a high safety rating.

On The Web:

Teslaa Crash Test: Tesla Crash Test Score

Teslaa Crash Test

With a sharp eye for strategy and a deep understanding of the online gambling industry, Jacob has become a leading voice and trusted guide for enthusiasts and seasoned bettors alike. Driven by a passion for games of skill and a keen interest in the mathematics of gambling.