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Twins Separated at Birth Get Reunited



Twins Separated at Birth Get Reunited

Twins Separated at Birth Get Reunited

Twins Separated at Birth Get Reunited

The Cuares and Kandis families adopted their respective Chinese babies at the same time. In fact, they got to know each other during the process. The singularity of the experience gave them a bond they maintained in the seven years since their adoptions. At the time, the Cuares family were told their baby Ella had been abandoned in a public park. The Kandis family were told that their little Anna was placed on the doorstep of a hospital. For both families, it was a case of “all’s well that ends well”.

However, there was more to the story. As time passed on, they began seeing some distinct similarities in their daughters that made them suspect they might actually be related. It turns out that DNA tests confirmed their suspicions: they girls were fraternal twins. This set up a family reunion for the girls at the North Carolina home of the Kandis family. Upon first meeting each other, the girls were a little shy and apprehensive. However, it didn’t take them long to feel that deep bond that twins experience. Now, the two families plan to keep in regular contact so that each girl can maintain the family bond that is theirs alone to share.

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