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William Brandon Aydelott, 17, kills mother



William Brandon Aydelott kills mother

William Brandon Aydelott kills mother

High School Basketball Star Brutally Murders Own Mother

William Brandon Aydelott should be preparing for college and perhaps even participation on a college basketball team. However, the 17-year-old high school basketball star now faces a murder charge for a crime he himself has confessed to carrying out. Police say that this past Tuesday, December 24, William got into a heated argument with his mother at which time he pulled out a bat and began striking her repeatedly.

He then drew out a kitchen knife and used it to slash the throat of the woman who gave him life. Lastly, he left her body lying in a pool of her own blood with the kitchen blade sticking out of one of her eyes. She was later discovered when a friend stopped by to say “hello”.

The young man was later arrested at the home of a friend where he had been staying for much of time during recent months because of the estrangement between him and his mother. In police custody, Aydelott confessed to the murder and is reported to have “smiled” during the description of the attack.

His mother was Sharon Aydelott, a science teacher at Holley-Navarre Middle School. Given the 2012 Supreme Court ruling against lifetime sentences being unconstitutional for crimes committed by minors, it is uncertain what maximum penalty he will face for his actions.

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William Brandon Aydelott kills mother

Tomas Carbry possesses a decade of journalism experience and consistently upholds rigorous standards. His focus areas include technology and global issues.