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Workers Quit Facebook Study Finds



Workers Quit Facebook Study Finds

Workers Quit Facebook Study Finds

Workers Quit Facebook Study Finds

Study Finds Reasons Why Workers Quit Facebook

Researchers at Cornell University conducted a study of social media usage among a sample of 410 adults. The survey found that some interesting insights into the ongoing societal evolution in a social networking world. Some workers say they either suspended their Facebook accounts or quit altogether to avoid being “friended” by their bosses.

However, some users such as military personnel or parolees said they felt pressured to quit. Others have cited privacy concerns or even a misuse of their account as a reason for not using Facebook any longer. 26% of respondents suspended their Facebook accounts for various reasons. Of that pool of people, 33% would go on to reactivate their accounts at a later date.

The survey found that 11% of users would delete their Facebook accounts with 90% of them being very satisfied with their decision. However, some Facebook users who later quit using the service cited their reason was concerns that a former lover would be able to locate them. 75 of the 410 adults surveyed, or 18%, have never had a Facebook account.

The reasons for that included seeing no value in social networking, not wanting their lives on display before the world, and in some cases very detailed explanations for not wanting to social network.
