baby flushed down toilet found alive in pipe
A young Chinese mother ashamed of her pregnancy managed to flush her newborn child down the toilet of a commode, only to anonymously alert authorities who sent rescue crews to feverishly work to retrieve the boy stuck in the sewage pipe.
Luckily, the baby was still alive when the rescue team arrived and began the delicate process of extricating the tiny child from the piping system where he had been thrown head first, reports the Daily Mail.
After rescuers were able to cut away the section of the pipe where the newborn’s tiny body was wedged tight, both child and pipe were quickly transported to a local hospital.
Doctors continued the rescue operation in the emergency room assisted by firefighters, who used saws and pliers to extricate the day-old newborn from his metal prison.
He let out a loud cry after being freed and a physical examination revealed numerous bruises and a fractured skull as a result of his ordeal. Unfortunately, a one child per family rule in China has resulted in the abuse of many newborn children who are disposed of quickly after birth.
Officials did not identify the 22-year old who is suspected of throwing her baby into the toilet and there is no word if she will face criminal charges.
A hospital spokesman said: “He was in a critical condition when he arrived and we suspected he may have a fractured skull. But everything has been stabilised now and he is recovering well.”
The horrifying images have been shared around the world via Twitter and other social media outlets.
One outraged user wrote: “The people who did this must have hearts even filthier than that sewage pipe.”
And another writer commented: “How can anyone ever forgive dumping a newly born baby into a toilet?
“Can these people be called human beings? The animal to human ratio among grown-ups seems to be rising fast.”

There are frequent reports in Chinese media of babies being abandoned often shortly after birth, a problem attributed variously to young mothers unaware they were pregnant, the birth of an unwanted girl in a society which puts greater value on boys or China’s strict family planning rules.

The landlord of the building in Pujiang county told Zhejiang News that it was unlikely the birth took place in the restroom because there was no evidence of blood and she was not aware of any recent pregnancies among her tenants.
The baby was stuck in an L-shaped portion of the sewage pipe with a diameter of about 10 centimeters (3 inches).
On The Web:
Did mother raise the alarm after flushing away her own baby? 22-year-old watched in secret as rescuers plucked newborn ALIVE from the toilet pipe