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Nick Stahl Hospitalized: “Greatful” For 5150 Psychiatric Hold



Nick Stahl Faces 5150 Hold With Terminator Strength

On June 18th Nick Stahl the troubled Terminator 3 star was placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold at a Las Angeles medical center. At the time it was unclear why the star was hospitalized although he has a past filled with drugs and alcohol abuse, but upon his release on June 28th the star is claiming that stress and other life events put him there.

Stahl has a long history of being a Hollywood bad boy a la Charlie Sheen and Britney Spears, and has actually made the news quite frequently for disappearing, heading into rehab, disappearing again, and heading into more rehab. In recent months however Stahl has pledged to turn around his life and he claims that the 5150 hold, although involuntary, was certainly helpful.

The 32 year stated that he still feels that his recovery is moving in a positive direction and that this time around it was just stress that got too large for him to handle. He continued to say that he is grateful that someone took action and placed him on the hospital hold because it helped him to cope and now things are once again looking upwards. A Section 5150 hold is allowed by California law if it is apparent that a patient has a mental disorder.

On The Web:

Nick Stahl out of hospital after 5150 psychiatric hold

Nick Stahl blames stress for hospitalisation

Nick Stahl Hospitalized, Placed on 5150 Hold